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EVENT NAME : Department Seminar                                                              

DATE                : 02/02/2023


                Our Department conducted Seminar on 02/02/2023.  The students of I B.Sc (Software Applications ), II B.Sc (Software Applications) and III B.Sc (Software Applications) took part in the seminar and Around 12 Students participated and explained about,

·         Pill Camera

·         Top Ten Programming Languages

·         Web Browser

·         OST Model

·         Artificial Intelligence

·         IOS

·         Concept of Android

·         Computer Language

·         Social Networks

·         Types of Computer

·         Advantages & Disadvantages of Social Media

·         OTT Platform 

                        Students were very interested to know about the recent trends in the Technology.  They gathered the knowledge about Web Browser, Artificial Intelligence, Concept of Android, Top level Programming Languages, Pill Camera, Social Networks etc., It was an interactive session about two hours and the seminar was about broadly exploratory with deep analysis of Technology. 

                      The purpose of seminar is to enable students to improve their knowledge and understanding of the topic in different areas.

EVENT NAME : Awareness on Cancer                                                             

DATE                : 07/02/2023


            We Conducted “Awareness on Cancer” for the Girls students on 07/02/2023.  Around 30 Girls took part in the Awareness Program.  Mrs. T. Merlin Jaba, The Head of Software Application Department gave a clear explanation about,

·         Cancer Cell Development

·         Myths about Cancer

·         Risk of Cancer

·         Stages of Cancer

·         Most affected Cancer for Women

·         Symptoms of Cancer

·         Causes for Cancer

·         Prevention of Cancer

·         Treatment of Cancer

·         Self Examination

·         Early Detection

·         How to avoid Cancer

·         Intake of Food

·         Importance of Physical Activity

Cancer awareness is the key to early detection and better health-seeking behaviour.  The main aim of this program is to make students aware of the causes and prevention of cancer and also how it can be successfully treated. 

 Students gathered the knowledge about the Cancer and they also gathered the knowledge of Healthy diet and Physical activity.

EVENT NAME : Quiz Competition And Connection Game                                                   

DATE                : 10/02/2023


Our Department conducted Quiz Competition  on 10/02/2023.  The student of I B.Sc (Software Applications), II B.Sc (Software Applications) and III B.Sc (Software Applications) participated in the Quiz Competition.  Questions were discussed from the topic:

·         Computer Network

·         Authors in Programming language

·         Topics in PHP

·         Java

·         Python

·         C++

·         Software Engineering

·         Recent trends in Technology

·         Names of different Software


We also conducted Connection Game to know the names of Software, to know the names of different Apps and Applications.  It was an event about two hours with innovation and information.