Department of
Economics conducted a three day Web Series on the topic “Road Map to Success”
for all the first years from on 25/10/2021 to 27/10/2021 . First day
presidential address was given by our principal Dr.V.Selvanathan. Chief guest of the webinar was Dr. D.B.Usha
Rani, Principal In-charge, Associate Professor & Head, Department of
Economics, Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai.
R.S.Maragatham, Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Psychology and
Behavioural Research, Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College for Women was the
resource person for Day one. Second Day’s resource person was
Mr.T.S.Rubakannan, Head of the Department of Commerce (Computer Applications).
Third Day’s resource person was Mr. M.Raghunathan, Regional Manager, Global
Software Solution, NCVTE-TN-State Project Co-ordinator, MHRD, Government of
India, New Delhi. Around 280 students participated through g-meet and were